Northwest Florida Parents Against Vaping

Mar 19, 2019

JUUL and e-cigarette use among children and teens has become an epidemic both in our community and nationwide. The e-cigarette JUUL is said to be a smoking “cessation” device for adults, but its growing popularity among children and teenagers, and the company’s marketing tactics and fruity flavors targeted to younger users, has made it a smoking “initiation” device for children and teens. Tobacco use among children has skyrocketed, especially in our community. Last school year (the year JUUL was created) high school tobacco referrals in our community have increased by over 5x and have reached an all-time high.

Last school year, high school tobacco referrals in our community increased by over 5x and have reached an all-time high.

Together with dedicated parents in our community, the Aylstock Witkin Kreis and Overholtz Justice Foundation hopes to create a community group to better understand this epidemic, educate ourselves and our children on the dangers of JUUL and e-cigarette use, facilitate productive conversations with our children, and develop a plan to help combat this issue in our community.

Parent-Teen Vaping Contract

In an effort to help facilitate open and honest conversations about the dangers of vaping, the AWKO Justice Foundation has created a Parent-Teen Vaping “Contract” you can print and use to start a conversation with your kids.

Click to download the Parent-Teen Vaping Contract